Module 1
Professional identity and
digital communication
Click on the links below to download
1-Professional identity and organisation strategy
2-Educational model - agogical principles
3-Presuming competence
4-Professional identity - concept and practice
5-Digital communication strategy - essentials
6-Digital communication and professional identity
7-Digital communication and storytelling
8-Digital communication and visual design
Module 2
Social change disabilities and social inclusion
in a digital world
Click on the links below to download
1-Micro credentials
2-Attitudes to dissability scale
3-Ambassador of people with dissabilities in the workplace
4-The nature and dynamics of systematic barriers
5-Social policies and the right to work of people with disabilities
6-Professonial identity and healthcare
7-Equality and equity
8-Mainstreaming human rights of persons with disabilities in all policies
9-International classification of functioning-disability and health
10-identity formation workshop
11-Papers for further study
Module 3
Integration through person
centred approaches
Click on the links below to download
1-Diagrama model and Montessori principles
2-Further reading and videos
3-Join the revolution - Montessori - aging and dementia
4-Person centred approaches and active support
5-Further reading and videos
6-Active support learing pack
7-What is active support
8-Positive behaviour support
9-Further rading and videos
10-What does positive behaviour support look like
11-Key elemenst of PBS
12-Integration into the community - Montessori
13-Integration case study and exercise
14-Creating a world with meaning and purpose
15-Montessori based interventions for people with dementia
16-Person centred approach to integration - learning and reflection
17-Key elements of person centred approach
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